Why the Coca Cola Santa was a costume bearded Santa and now the real bearded Santas are more in demand

The Coca-Cola Santa is an iconic figure in the world of holiday advertising. This plump, jolly Santa Claus holding a bottle of Coca-Cola was created by artist Haddon Sundblom in the 1930s as part of a marketing campaign for the beverage company. Over the years, the Coca-Cola Santa has become a recognizable image of the holiday season for many people, and continues to be a popular figure in holiday advertising campaigns today.

However, despite its popularity, there has been a recent shift in public sentiment towards a more traditional and authentic representation of Santa Claus. This shift has led to an increased demand for real bearded Santas, and has had a significant impact on the way that people experience the holidays.

In the past, Santa Claus was often depicted in a variety of ways, depending on the context in which he was being represented. Some depictions showed him as a skinny, gaunt old man, while others portrayed him as a plump and jolly figure. However, over the years, the image of Santa Claus as a plump, jolly figure holding a bag of toys has become the most commonly recognized representation of the holiday icon.

This image of Santa Claus was popularized in part due to the popularity of the Coca-Cola Santa, which was designed to be friendly and approachable, and to embody the joyful and festive spirit of the holidays. By association, Coca-Cola became associated with the holidays, and was seen as an important part of the holiday experience for many people.

However, despite its popularity, the Coca-Cola Santa is not a traditional representation of Santa Claus. Rather, it is a more modern, commercialized depiction of the holiday figure. This has led some people to seek a more authentic representation of Santa Claus, one that more closely aligns with the historical and cultural roots of the figure.

The demand for a more traditional representation of Santa Claus has led to a resurgence in the popularity of real bearded Santas. Real bearded Santas are seen as being more representative of the true essence of Santa Claus, and are becoming an increasingly important part of the holiday experience for many people.

Visiting a real bearded Santa has become a popular holiday tradition, and many people now look forward to taking their children to visit with a real Santa each year. This experience allows people to connect with a more timeless and authentic representation of the holiday figure, and to experience the magic of the holidays in a more personal and meaningful way.

In addition to live Santa events, there has also been an increase in the popularity of real bearded Santa Claus costumes. These costumes are designed to look as close to the real thing as possible, and are worn by Santa Claus performers who entertain children at holiday events, parties, and other special occasions.

By choosing a real bearded Santa, people are able to connect with a more traditional and authentic representation of the holiday figure. This is an important part of the holiday experience for many people, and reflects a desire for a more timeless and meaningful representation of the holidays.

In conclusion, the shift towards a more traditional representation of Santa Claus has had a significant impact on the way that people experience the holidays. The demand for real bearded Santas reflects a desire for a more authentic and timeless representation of the holiday figure, and has led to an increase in the popularity of live Santa events, real bearded Santa costumes, and other holiday traditions. Whether you prefer the jolly Coca-Cola Santa or the more traditional real bearded Santa, there is no denying that Santa Claus continues to play an important role in the way that we experience the holidays.